

  • MTech in Propulsion Engineering From CET Trivandrum
  • BTech in Mechanical Engineering, MACE Kothamangalam

  • Teaching- 6 months (TIST)
  • Industry-10 years (NTPC)

Why Use Sample Data in Excel?
This page has Microsoft Excel sample datasets that you can use for testing, Excel training and demos, and other learning activities. The sample file contents are described in the sections below, so you can decide which dataset will be the best match for what you need.

You can see a screen shot of each dataset, and a list of the columns it contains, with a brief description. Then, to get started, you can download sample Excel file with data for your training sessions.

Why Use Sample Data in Excel?
This page has Microsoft Excel sample datasets that you can use for testing, Excel training and demos, and other learning activities. The sample file contents are described in the sections below, so you can decide which dataset will be the best match for what you need.

You can see a screen shot of each dataset, and a list of the columns it contains, with a brief description. Then, to get started, you can download sample Excel file with data for your training sessions.