
Advisory Committee

The Academic Advisory Committee of the department plays a major role in the review of department activities, attainment of Course Outcomes and Program outcomes, and future plans of the department. The committee also reviews and analyzes the gap between curriculum and Industry requirements and gives necessary feedback or advisory actions. Advisory Committee comprises of Management representatives, Principal, HOD, Faculty members of the Department, a representative from students, parents along with external experts from academics and industry, alumni, and society.

External Members

  1. Mr. Sushil Cherian

Co-Founder and Vice President – Power Generation Kalkitech

  1. Dr. Abin Oommen Philip

Asst. Professor

Dept. of CSE-Cyber Security IIIT. Kottayam

  1. Dr. Sreela Sreedhar

Associate Professor & HoD

Dept. of CSE, TIST