
Academic & Administrative Bodies

Academic and Administrative Bodies with well defined roles have been constituted to ensure proper functioning of the institution under the guidance of the Principal.

Student Council acts as a liaison between the students and the management. It is a forum for the students to develop their attitude, leadership qualities, social skills, cultural talents and focuses on the overall development of the individual. The council organizes all the celebrations, technical & cultural fest, Arts day, Sports day, College day.

Student Council Members 2022-2023:
Sl. No.
Student Council Members 2021-2022
Student Council Members 2020-2021
Student Council Members 2019-2020
Student Council Members 2018-2019
Student Council Members 2017-2018
  • Ensure files and registers are maintained as per the Checklist provided.
  • Submit internal audit report to the concerned department based on the audit conducted.
  • Monitor proper conduct of Class/Course Committee meetings as per KTU norms.
  • Ensure proper conduct of internal examinations and courses as per KTU norms.
  • Make sure timely submission of monthly Report to KTU portal.
Frequency of Meetings:
Three Internal Audit meetings are conducted in a semester.
First meeting- before the first internal exam (Objective: Course plan).
Second meeting- after first internal exam.
Third meeting- toward the completion of the semester
The KTU internal e-audit Committee of TIST for the odd semester 2020-21 is constituted of the following members:
Dr. Vasudev R, Assoc. Prof., CE
Ms. Tellma John, Asst. Prof., CE
Ms. Chithra C J, Asst. Prof., CE
Dr. Sreela Sreedhar, Assoc. Prof., CSE
Ms. Ashly Joseph, Asst. Prof., CSE
Mr. Sajith P.J, Asst. Prof., CSE
Dr. Gnanasheela K, Prof., DOE (ECE & RA)
Dr. Vinu.R, Assoc. Prof., DOE (ECE & RA)
Ms. DeepaMary Varghese, Asst. Prof., DOE (ECE & RA)
Ms. Annai Raina T A, Asst. Prof., EEE
Ms. Anjumol C S, Asst. Prof., EEE
Dr. Rasmi P S, Assoc. Prof., IT
Mr. Ajeesh G. Krishnan, Asst. Prof., IT
Mr. Kurien Thampi, Asst. Prof., IT
Mr. Rajesh Kocheril, Asst. Prof, ME
Mr. Aby S, Asst. Prof, ME
Mr. Anoof M S, Asst. Prof, ME
Mr. Thomas A Vetteth, Asst. Prof, SFE
Mr. Sivi Varghese, Asst. Prof, SFE
Mr. Deepu Joy, Asst. Prof, SFE
Dr. P I Paulose, Prof., S&H
Dr. Sanjay Gopinath, Asso. Prof., S&H
Dr. Smitha John, Asst. Prof, S&H
Dr. Arunchand C H, Asso. Prof., MBA
Ms.Tessla Arrakkal, Asst. Prof, MBA
Ms. Frank Hicynth, Asst. Prof, MBA
  • Welfare and education of the students
  • Build strong working relationships among parents, teachers and college, in support of students.
  • Facilitate parental participation in college
  • Carry out fundraising ventures
  • Host social occasions
  • Provide pastoral care to the college community
  • Hold parent-based discussions on topics relevant to the college
Frequency of Meetings:
Once in a semester
President : Prof. (Dr.). Preethi Thekketh Principal
Vice President : K J Saju Parent
Secretary : Asst. Prof. Thomas A Vetteth SFE
Joint Secretary : Shani Varghese Parent
Treasurer : Asst. Prof. Mary Dhanya CE
Member Parents:
Mrs.Shani Varghese
Mr.Biju B Pillai
Mr.N.A Varghese
Mr.George Cp
Mrs.Sheeba Hamza
Mrs.Latha Anil
Mr.Salil Majeed
Mr.Jimmy Kurian
Mrs. Omana K.G
Mrs.Subha Pradeep
Mr.Joseph Kurian
Mrs Sunitha C.S
Mr. Ajith Luke Varkey
Mr. P.R.Rameez
Mrs. Raichel Abraham
Mr. Kannan
Mr.Joel Jose
Mr.K.Bijaya Kumar
Member Teachers:
Asso. Prof. Dr. Georgina Binoy Joseph, Dean
Asso. Prof. Dr. Deepa Elizabeth George, ECE & RA
Asso. Prof. Dr. Sreela Sreedhar, CS
Dr. Rasmi PS, IT
Asst. Prof. Mangala Devi, EEE
Dr. Rajesh Kocheril, ME
Dr. Vasudevan, CE
Dr. Sreeja Subhash, S&H
Dr. George C Mathew, MBA
Dr. Rasmi R, Maths
The Cell is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students/staff/faculty. According to the Hon. Supreme Court of India, definition of sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexually determined behavior, such as:
  • Physical contact and advances Demand or request for sexual favors Sexually Colored remarks Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature
  • The functions of the cell are purely to safeguard the rights of students, faculty and staff members and also to provide a platform for listening to their grievances. The Cell also tries to incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in the college. It tries to equip them with the knowledge of their legal rights to redress their grievances.

  • Time to time, the cell conducts seminars and lectures by eminent speakers to create awareness regarding violence, sexual harassment at work place and about health and hygiene.

Frequency of Meetings:

The Cell meets at least twice every academic year and the intervening period between two meetings shall not exceed six months.

The Chairperson of the Cell can call a Special Meeting at any time on demand basis.

Prof. (Dr.) Preethi Thekkath Principal
Asso. Prof. (Dr) Deepa Elizabeth George, HOD ECE
Asso. Prof (Dr.)Sreeja Subhash, HOD S&H
Asso. Prof. (Dr.) Sreela Sreedhar, HOD CS
Dr. Reena Madhu Dept. of Applied Psychology & Counseling
Dr. Pearly Saira Chacko MBA
Click here to read the activities of the Women’s cell.


  • To implement anti-ragging measures as stipulated by the government/university/concerned authority from time to time.
  • To monitor violations of anti-ragging rules in campus and suggest disciplinary actions in such cases.
  • To conduct enquiry of defaulter students and suggest quantum of punishment on the defaulter.
  • To take preventive steps by organizing anti-ragging awareness programs, issuing notices, warnings, instructions for regulating behavior of students.

Frequency of Meetings:

As and when required


Minutes of meeting-1
Minutes of meeting-2


Anti ragging squad and hot spot


Sub InspectorMulanthuruthy
Dr. Sreeja M S, HODS&H Dept.
Prof Lathi Karthi, HODCE
Dr. Vasudev R, Asso. Prof.CE
Dr. Sreela Sreedhar, HODCSE
Dr. Deepa Elizabeth George, HODECE
Ms. Managala Devi K T, Asst.ProfEEE
Mr. Thomas A. Vetteth, HODSF
Mr. Anoof MS, Asst. ProfME (Co-ordinator)
Mr. Viju Nair, Asst. Prof Phy. Edu. Dept.
Emergency Contacts
Dr. Nidhin RajME6282314787
Asst. Prof. JaisonEEE8848768869
Asst. Prof. Radhakrishnan PME 8075951043
  • Ensure discipline is maintained in campus
  • Report breach of discipline to Principal
  • Conduct preliminary investigation on breach of discipline and report to Principal
Frequency of Meetings:
Once a month and before every institution level event
Mr. Rajesh Kocheril, Asst.Prof ME Dept. (Coordinator)
Mr. Stephy James , Asst.Prof Safety
Dr. Vasudev R Civil
Mr. Muralikrishnan M ME
Mr. Ranjith PK EC
Mr. Anuraj CK CSE
Mr. Liju Raj T EEE
Mr. Jinu Paul, Asst.Prof ME
Ms. Sangeetha CP, Civil
Ms. Swathy Santhosh EC
Ms. Reena Madhu Psychology
Ms. Rinu Rose Computer Science
  • Solve the issues related to route, seating capacity and allocate drivers in each route
Frequency of Meetings:
Once a month
Asst. Prof. Rajesh Kocheril (I.N Rtd) Transport Officer
Mr. EU Sebastian Technical Asst
Mr. Radhakrishnan, Asst.Professor Mechanical
Mr. Sajayan M, Lab Instructor
Students- 2 each from all branches of B.Tech
SGRC Policy

  • Constituted to probe into student grievances. Redresses the grievance at individual, class level and grievances of common interest
  • Deals with appeals from students regarding any decision made by other committees/ authorities
1Dr Preethi
2Dr Sreeja M
3Dr Perumal Sankar
4Asst Prof Reena MadhuMember9895567656reenam@
5Asst Prof Fabil VargheseMember9746513951fabil@
6Sulthan Akbar Shah, SFESpecial

Academic Year 2023-24:
Minutes of Meeting & ATR-1
Minutes of Meeting & ATR-2
Minutes of Meeting & ATR-3

Academic Year 2022-23:
Minutes of Meeting & ATR-1
Minutes of Meeting & ATR-2
Minutes of Meeting & ATR-3
Minutes of Meeting & ATR-4

As per the circular No. KTU/ASST6(ADMIN)/1902/2021 dated 29/6/21, Grievance Redressal Committee Faculty/Staff is constituted as prescribed in the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University First Statutes,2020 and as per regulations/ directions issued by UGC and AICTE.


  • To ensure a fair, impartial, and consistent mechanism for redressal of varied issues faced by faculty and staff.
  • To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among the stakeholders, thereby maintaining a harmonious atmosphere in the college campus
  • To ensure that grievances are resolved promptly, objectively and with sensitivity and in complete confidentiality
  • To ensure that the views of each grievant and respondent are respected and that any party to a grievance is neither discriminated against nor victimized


  • To provide with proper advocacy to stakeholders to express their grievances freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized;
  • To analyse the grievances and conduct formal hearings and investigation as the case may be.
  • To protect the privacy and confidentiality of all parties during the investigation, consistent with and subject to the policy guidelines;
  • To obtain the facts through relevant sources in a fair and objective manner.
  • To ensure speedy disposal of every grievance application.


1ChairpersonDr. Preethi Thekkath, Principal
2Members1. Dr. Deepa Elizabeth George, Vice Principal and HOD(DoE)
2. Dr. Sreeja Subhash, HoD (S& H)


  • Handling grievances of hostel inmates
  • Ensure health and hygiene in hostel
  • Ensure discipline in hostels

Frequency of Meetings:

Once in six months


Mr. Kiran Christopher, Asst. Prof.ME
Mr. Nidheesh P., Asst. Prof.ME
Hostel Warden
Associate Professor Dr. Deepa  Elizabeth GeorgeVice Principal, HOD, DOE
Associate Professor. Dr. Reena MadhuDept. of Applied Psychology and Counselling
Assistant Professor Sajitha S.ECE
Mrs. AleyammaWarden
Sister Mary ElizabethWarden
  • Create a startup ecosystem by providing value-added training
  • Identify students with innovative ideas and create a platform for them to work with.
  • Enhance students’ entrepreneurial skills and make them aware of modern tools, software, and designs
  • Impart professional/technical mentoring by experts of various domains
  • Channelize idea to the product by mentoring, prototyping, and networking
Frequency of Meetings:
The meeting of student coordinators, nodal officer, and staff coordinators are held on every alternate Friday. Students and nodal officer meet every day
Adv. Titus Thomas Officer IEDC
Department Faculty Coordinators of IEDC
Mr. Kurian Thampy IT
Ms. Swathy Satheesh ECE
Mr. Rithwik Aravind ME
Ms. Jaison John EEE
Ms. Sahimol Eldhose CE
Ms. Surej Rajan C SFE
Mr. Eldhose P Sim CS
IEDC Mentors and Technical Guidance Team
Dr. Georgina Benoy ECE
Mr. Shajan K Thomas ME
Mr. Naveen G SFE
Mr. Abin Ommen Philip CSE
Mr. Ritwik A ME
Dr. Gnana Sheela K ECE
  • To consolidate alumni information collected from various departments
  • To encourage and guide the departments in updating alumni details.
  • To foster a spirit of loyalty among alumni and to promote the general welfare of the Institute Member
  • To conduct TAG (technical advisory group) meetings so as to strengthen the ties between alumni and the Institute. The meeting can be on the basis of Branch Academic Year Geography
  • To inspire the regular students by conducting talks by alumni.
  • To publish the Alumni Newsletter CONCORDIA
Frequency of Meetings:
Once in two months
Additional meetings as need arises
President : Prof. (Dr.). Preethi Thekketh Principal
Vice President : Dr.Deepa Elizabeth George Vice Principal
Vice President (Former Student) : Mr. Pramod Chandran
Secretary : Dr Resmi R H O D, Mathematics
Secretary (Former Student) : Mr Jose J
Treasurer : Asst.Prof. Kurian Thampy Asst. Prof., Dept. of IT
  • Finalize the criteria for admissions for BTech (regular), BTech (lateral entry), BTech (College Transfer) and MTech (regular)
  • Suggest the fee structure
  • Finalize the scholarships offered by the Institute
  • Conduct admissions for BTech (regular), BTech (lateral entry), BTech (College Transfer) and MTech (regular)
Frequency of Meetings:
Monthly (during the admission period)
Additional meetings whenever situation demands
S. No.NamePosition in Committee
1Prof. (Dr.) Preethi Thekkath, PrincipalChairperson
2Assoc. Prof. (Dr.) Sreeja M.S., Admission OfficerConvener
3Assoc. Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Gopinath., Admission OfficerJoint Convener
4Asst. Prof. (Dr.) Reena Madhu,Member
5Asst. Prof. (Mr.) Viju Nair,Member
  • To guide the librarian in formulating general library policies and regulations which govern the functions of the library.

  • To provide for proper documentation service and to update the library collections

  • To prepare budget and proposals for the development of the library.

  • To allocate funds to different departments for the purchase of the books. (The librarian is directed to collect the list of books and journals required by each department through the HODs during the beginning of each semester and submit it for the approval of the advisory committee. For any immediate requirement of the books and journals in any department, the committee authorized the librarian to do the same with the sanction of the HODs and Principal.)

  • To work towards modernization and improvement of the library and documentation services.

  • To formulate policies and procedures for efficient use of library resources

  • To recommend to the authorities the fees and other charges for the use of the library.

  • To add, amend, or delete any rules prescribed for the use of the library services by the readers.

  • To seek feedback on library functions from readers for each semester.

Frequency of Meetings:
Once in a year
Additional meetings as the need arise
Prof.(Dr.) Preethi Thekkath, Principal
Dr. Perumal Sankar, Dean, PG Studies
All Heads of Department
Dr. K J John ( Professor In-Charge)
Mr. Sreekumar N. (Librarian)
Mr. Dileep Rajan (Librarian)
Fr. Bibi Alias (Librarian)
Mr. Vinod Kumar(Librarian)
Student Representatives
  • To keep a watchful eye on any issues concerning canteens, college buses, hostels, etc. and take up the issues earnestly and endeavor to solve them at the earliest, contributing to the promotion of general welfare of all the students.
Frequency of Meetings:
As per urgency/ requirement
Dr. K.J. John, Prof. (Chairman) S&H
Ms. Elba Helen George, Asst. Prof CE
Ms. Afshan, Asst. Prof., Mathematics
Mr. Surej Rajan C, Asst Prof.
For each course,
  • The concerned Head of the department
  • Concerned Faculty handling the subject
  • Four student representatives
  • Bills verification
  • The entry of day-to-day transactions
  • Ledger reconciliation, bank reconciliation
  • Collection of college fees, bus fees, hostel fees
  • Disbursement of salary
  • Remittance to statutory authorities (eg. ESI, PF, TDS, Tax, etc.)
  • Disbursement of other payments related to maintenance work, the conduct of events, etc.
Mr. C J George AM In-Charge
Ms. Sony Thambi Sr. Accountant
Ms. Raji Rajan Accountant
Mr. Paulkutty C S Jr. Accountant
  • Preparation of acquittance roll as per statutory norms
  • Notifying the Principal of vacant posts and initiating the recruitment process and recruitment support activities
  • Issue Appointment orders, promotion orders, and staff memos
  • Maintenance of employee records
  • Attendance of employees and leave management
Ms. Dany Tom HR Executive
Mr. C J George Administrative Manager
Ms. Saramma Thomas Office Assistant
  • As per the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989, No.33 of 1989 dated 11.09.1989, a Committee on SC/ST is constituted with the following Staff..
Academic Year 2023-2024
Minutes of Meeting-1 ATR-1
Minutes of Meeting-2 ATR-2
Academic Year 2022-2023
Minutes of Meeting-1 ATR-1
Minutes of Meeting-2 ATR-2
1Asso. Prof. Sreela SreedharHOD – CSE DepartmentConvener9847749701
2Assit. Prof. Ranjith P SMaths DepartmentMember9846541237
3Assit. Prof. Anoof M SME DepartmentMember9847932638
4Ms. Santhi N MInformation TechnologyMember9947340559
5Ms. Devika KrishnanECE DepartmentMember9744460781
6Ms. Shiju Thomas TOfficeMember9645267993
7Ms. Abhirami RajS7, Civil DepartmentMember9995304091

This is for information that Internal Complaints Committee has been reconstituted with the following members, January 2024

Minutes of meeting  & ATR


Asso. Prof. Dr. Deepa Elizabeth GeorgePresiding Officer9447820280
Asst. Prof. Dr. Reena MadhuDept. of Applied Psychology & Counselling9895567656
Asst. Prof. Elsaba JacobCSE 
Asst. Prof. Mary DhanyaCE9995472022
Mrs. Manju M PillaiECE9495041768
Mrs. Sreelegha RajeevEEE9995563598
Prof. Mary Teresa LopezExternal Member, Former HOD, St. Teresa’s college9747340747
Ms. Amina NehaS5, EL9745873780
Ms. Bhavana V NairS3, ECE8848667902
Mr. Hansel SabuS3, EL9496355972
Ms. Nicy JamesS5, CSE7012606503
Click here to view the details.
Functions and Objects of the College Union

The aims and objects of the College Union shall be;- (Ref: Chapter 4 Statute 6 Various Sub Statutes of the First Statutes of the University).
  1. To create  an  atmosphere  of  learning  in  the  college  through camaraderie,  sharing,  scaffolding,  and  imbibing  the  spirit  of democratic values, ethics and morals.
a. To promote friendship and bonding among students as human beings across gender, caste, race, religion, language, descent, place etc.
b. To train students in upholding the law of the land in letter and spirit in tune with the principles and essence of justice enshrined in the Constitution of India
c. To inculcate in students the requirement to respect and follow the sage advice of parents, teachers, elders and such others in their journey across life.
d. To promote opportunities for the development of character, leadership, efficiency,  knowledge  and  spirit  of  service among students.
  1. To organise debates, seminars, work squads, touring parties and such other functions and
  1. To encourage sports, arts and other cultural, educational, social or recreational activities that are incidental and conducive to the above objects
Frequency of meeting:
One per Sem or when required.
Minutes of Meeting & ATR-1
Minutes of Meeting & ATR-2
Minutes of Meeting-3
1Jessal P
3Akhil Raveendran NairECGeneral
4Abhishek RFSArts Club
5Narayanan KCSMagazine
6Saranlal HEEUniversity Union Councilor
Sivapriya DRAUniversity Union Councilor
7Saina ZCSStudent Rep
8Jacob G GeorgeMBAStudent Rep
9Amnah YasirITFemale
10Avanthika JayaprakashSFEFemale SC/ST
11Dr Preethi ThekkathPrincipalPatron Cum
12Dr Sreeja M SHoD S&HStaff
13Vimal JayakumarRASports
Objects of Industry Institute Cell
  • To reduce the gap between industry expectations and academics by direct interaction between Industry and Academics.
  • To establish MoUs / Tieups with Industries for technological upgradation of all stake holders.
  • To expose the faculty and students to the latest industrial practices


Ms. Mangala Devi K.T.HOD(I/c), Dept. of EEE and Dept. of ELECoordinator
Ms. Archana C PAsst. Professor,
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Ms Nimina GeorgeAsst. Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
Mr Prabin JamesAsst. Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMember
Dr. Nimmy John TAsst. Professor, Dept. of Robotics and AutomationMember
Mr. Kurien ThampyAsst. Professor,
Dept. of Information Technology
Mr. Divesh PrakashAsst. Professor,
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr Stephy JamesAsst. Professor,
Dept. of Safety and Fire Engineering
Ms.Emy PauloseAsst.Engineer,LSGD,Govt.of KeralaMember
Mr.Aman Aji PaulEngineer,FCIMember
Mr.M.A Balan NairHOD(F&S)(Retd.), FACT-UDMember
Mr.A.L.JacksonChief Safety Officer(Retd.), Cochin Shipyard Ltd.Member
Mr.G.RadhakrishnanGM(Retd.),Travancore Cochin ChemicalsMember
Mr.Cibin BabyDelivery Manager,TCSMember

Sports Council Members (2023-24):

9AFEEFA (S5 CS)9605181430
Sports Council Members (2022-23)

The chief superintendent will be responsible for the proper and smooth conduct of examinations. He/she shall take all necessary actions before, during and after the examination, as prescribed by the University, for the smooth conduct of the examination., Generally, the Principal/ Head of the institution shall be the Chief Superintendent and nominated faculty as the Deputy Chief Superintendent of Examinations and he will manage all exam related works. Under his supervision, nominated faculty members as the Exam committee members and appointment of sufficient number of examination assistants from technical staff, clerical staff and office attendants.

Prof.( Dr.) Preethi ThekkathPrincipalChief Supdt. of Examinations
Mr. Girish PAsst.ProfDy. Chief Supdt. of Examinations

Major Functions of the Institutional Level Examination Management Committee
Smooth conduct of examinations at the institution will be the collective responsibility of the institutional level examination management committee. At least two examination committee members (other than examination assistants) should be present in the examination control room for every examination session. The examination committee members should frequently visit examination halls and ascertain that the invigilators are doing their duties conscientiously.

The duties and responsibilities of the examination management committee.

  • Make all necessary arrangements for the smooth conduct of examinations as required by the University.
  • Ensure that all examination hall(s) have a clock, adequate light, ventilation, and sufficient furniture viz. desk, chairs, tables, benches. It should be clean and tidy.
  • Prepare the list of candidates registered, day-wise and session-wise, based on the examination schedules.
  • Appointment of invigilators for each session of the examination and issue appointment order well in advance.
  • Depute the required number of invigilators to each examination hall. One hall can be allotted for every 30 candidates, or part thereof, as far as possible.
  • Make sure that as far as possible, invigilators are allotted to the examination halls at random and that no invigilator
  • Preparation of seating charts.
  • Display the Hall wise seating plan for the information of candidates at prominent places.
  • Downloading and printing of question papers.
  • Ensure that the examination halls are opened only 15 minutes before the commencement of examination and the candidates are permitted to enter the Hall 10 minutes before the commencement of examination.
  • Distribution of question papers and answer scripts.
  • Provide necessary facilities to the observer deputed by the University.
  • Issue of attendance certificates to observer/squad/ any other officials.
  • Updating examination related matters including absence entry, malpractice entry, spare barcode assignment, dispatch details etc. to the University portal.
  • Reporting of malpractice to the chief superintendent and uploading the malpractice details and the decisions to the University portal.
  • Ensure that all the answer-scripts confiscated in malpractice cases during the Examination session are packed separately in one bundle and marked “Malpractice Case” on the label.
  • Collect the answer scripts, check them, count them and tally with the attendance.
  • Send the answer-scripts to the University in sealed covers as per the prescribed instructions.
  • Display the instructions to the candidates in the notice board of the examination control room.
  • Safe custody of examination materials and stock register, invigilation duty register, observer/squad register, issue register, dispatch register filing of observer diary, packing details such as “consignment details” format, acknowledgement provided by postal department against each collection etc.
  • Uploading of consignment details and dispatch register details.
  • Any other examination related matters assigned by the chief superintendent.

Management Committee:

Asst.Prof. Saira Banu K AAsst. Prof.S & HManagement Committee
Mr. Aby SAsst. Prof.MEManagement Committee
Ms. Annie PaulAsst. Prof.ECEManagement Committee
Ms. Cinu ScariaAsst. Prof.CSEManagement Committee
Ms. Deepa P LAsst. Prof.EEEManagement Committee
Mr. Kurien ThampyAsst. Prof.ITManagement Committee
Ms. Annue Marry MathewAsst. Prof.CEManagement Committee
Mr. Rahul RaviAsst. Prof.MEManagement Committee
Mr. Arjun NatarajanAsst. Prof.SFManagement Committee

Examination Assistants.

  • The prime responsibility of the examination assistant is to assist the Deputy Chief
  • Superintendent in all the activities related to the conduct of examination.

The duties and responsibilities of examination assistants are listed below:

  • The examination assistants allotted for examination work should report to the Deputy Chief Superintendent of examination at least one hour before the commencement of examination
  • He/ She should not be absent or abstain from examination duties without prior permission from the Deputy Chief Superintendent.
  • He/ She should ensure that all the rooms are cleaned and locked up on the previous day of examination and opened on the day of examination on time.
  • Keep ready the answer scripts according to the hall requirement before the commencement of the examination.
  • Collect and submit the attendance slips to the examination committee members after half an hour but before one hour from the start of examination.
  • Collect and return the unused answer scripts, seating charts and balance materials from the examination hall to the examination control room.
  • Assist in packing and sealing of answer scripts bundles after the examination.

Examination Assistants:

Ms. Manju C NLab InstructorCSExamination Assistants
Ms. Nisha ThomasLab InstructorECEExamination Assistants
Ms. Shanthi N MLab InstructorITExamination Assistants
Ms. Shiji K RLab InstructorEEEExamination Assistants
Mr.Vishnu Ganga G NairLab InstructorCEExamination Assistants
Mr. Shyne MathewLab InstructorMEExamination Assistants
Ms. Nishamol MLab InstructorSFExamination Assistants
Mr. Joy T YOffice Asst.AdminExamination Assistants
Ms. Jessy.M COffice Asst.AdminExamination Assistants


The cell will take care of minority students with respect to:

  • Ensuring timely submission of minority scholarships.
  • Addressing and resolving issues of discrimination or grievances faced by minority students.
  • Keeping accurate records of minority student enrolment and academic performance.

Students belonging to minority community can approach the cell for any issues on the above and may register complaint regarding the same. The cell will meet once in a month and review all complaints received and take/suggest remedial measures.

1Asst.Prof. Saira BanuS&H DepartmentConvenor9446045675
2Asst.Prof.Jesna N MCivil EngineeringMember9946830111
3Ms.Nishamol MSafety & Fire EngineeringMember9496944769
4Mr.Safrin SaifS5 Civil EngineeringMember7561846500
5Mr.Alen VincentS3 Safety & Fire EngineeringMember9567340171
Minutes of Meeting & ATR -1
Minutes of Meeting & ATR -2


The cell will take care of OBC students with respect to:

  • Ensuring timely submission of OBC scholarships.
  • Addressing and resolving issues of discrimination or grievances faced by OBC students.
  • Keeping accurate records of OBC student enrolment and academic performance.

Students belonging to OBC community can approach the cell for any issues on the above and may register complaint regarding the same. The cell will meet once in six months and review all complaints received and take/suggest remedial measures.

Minutes of Meeting -1
Minutes of Meeting -2
Minutes of Meeting -3
NoNameDepartmentRolePhone No
1Asst.Prof. Mary Dhanya Civil DepartmentConvener9995472022
2Asst.Prof. Annai Raina TAEEE DepartmentMember9605753821
3Ms. Santhi NMIT DepartmentMember9947340559
4Mr.Nihal ShajanCivil DepartmentMember7994883790
5Mr. Alameen NSF DepartmentMember7736163612